Emerald Pademelon Press LLC

Books at Arch Street Meeting House

Would you like to work with the Arch Street Friends library committee? Do you have any ideas on what to do with the book collection? All I have done so far is the titles of the books have been counted, and assigned a catalog number.

What happens to them now? Arch Street does not have the resources to start a lending library, can we get the resources and use these books to be a core of a print bigger library? Please fill out the survey, and send me your ideas. I will be compiling information for the December Meeting for Business, or November, depending how quickly I get responses and can compile them into a document that can be disseminated.


The lists below: my goal is to retake the photos with my Canon camera; meanwhile, do the best you can. All titles are legible but you will probably have to download the pictures and enlarge them.