Emerald Pademelon Press LLC


I tell stories about African communities, about communities that affect African communities. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2014 v8n1 0217

I have always told stories, they bubble and flow and burst out of me, I have to use effort to stop them.

I was 6 when I started putting stories into verse, and when I was 8, an assignment on insects turned into rhyming verse, which so impressed my Standard 2 teacher in New Zealand that he wrote my poem on cardboard and displayed it around the classroom.

Which was the pinnacle of my career as a poet.

I never stopped writing poetry, but I wanted to tell bigger stories, and turned to writing short stories when I was 26 and had just completed my PhD thesis in the School of Physiology and Pharmacology at the University of New South Wales Faculty of Medicine. On blood. I know blood.

My first story was about my bicycle Framboise, which was the cherry color of blood saturated with carbon monoxide (I know blood) which I bought in France in Lyon. After it eventually arrived in Arras, 4 days after I put it on a train, after I had joined an archeological dig and met a sparkly American adventurer, I rode it through the graveyards of the Maginot Line to Dunkirk, and onto the car ferry to Dover, and around the British country-side until I found a caravan park. Which happened on the day Elvis died.

Writing effective stories is difficult, because the writer must have something to say, the story must be believable, grammar and syntax must not get in the way of the story. The writer must speak your language effortlessly, unselfconsciously.  And she or he needs to be a guide to truth and love, and make us understand that we should never stop fighting for human rights, never lose sight of the humanity in all of us.

After I left the lab in 1996, the burden of being a single mother with 4 children collapsed my career as an academic scientist. I had been an academic scientist for 23 years, and my title was Research Associate Professor of Physiology at the University of Pennsylvania. I wanted to tell stories and realized that I did not have the skills of Ernest Hemingway or Virgina Wolf. I knew that to tell stories, I had to learn to see, and so I enrolled in art classes. And drew pictures. In chalk pastels, and later, colored pencils.

At the same time I was swallowing whole grammar books, style books, reading everything I could get my hands on. After 3 years, the 2 fathers of my 4 children decided I was having too much fun, so they colluded, and cut off all child support. So I had to go back to work, and on the first day I glanced through a newspaper, found 3 advertisements for medical writers.

Which is how I became a medical writer and for 4 years, was a full professor of medical writing at University of the Sciences, formerly known as University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, formerly known as Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Which gave me the right to be known as Professor Dodgson (everywhere, not just in the US) and paid my bills while I continued writing, continued publishing and fell in love with all things originating in the continent of Africa.

In 2001 Emerald Pademelon Press LLC published 2 print books, and one in 2003.
"Tiny Dogs & Violets" by CS D'Alziel McMaudie
"The Origins of Atherosclerosis" by Kenneth R Kensey MD and Young I Cho PhD
"We felt their kindliness: letters from Afghanistan 1949-1950" ed by Os Cresson